Keep your cool during a game of pool

The accessories you need to complement your pool table


Pool Table Accessories | Games Room Company


It’s all well and good owning your own pool table - but if you’re forcing it to live a solitary existence, what’s the point? Is your pool table lonely? We haven’t gone completely mad- what we mean is, does your pool table only have the balls and cues it needs to keep it company? Don’t you want it to have a few more friends to have fun with?

We’ll stop talking crazy now. We know your pool table isn’t really lonely (or alive) and let’s be honest - the main reason to stock up on some pool accessories is for your own benefit. They’ll add another element of sophistication to your pool games, and make your games room look even cooler.  Plus, pool accessories are practical. How else are you going to store your cues?

If you’re proud of your pool table, you’ll probably want to take it up a level with some accessories. You’ll also probably want optimal playing conditions for your games, and for this you need to be comfortable, and there needs to be excellent lighting.

There are a lot of options when it comes to pool accessories, and you don’t want to be overwhelmed if you’re trying to decide on what to choose. To help make it clear, we’ve decided to organise a selection of our favourite pool accessories by size - this way whatever sized games room you have to work with, you can narrow your focus down. Let’s go smallest to largest.

The smaller end of the scale…

8 Ball Cue Rack | Games Room Company


We understand that owning a pool table does take up a lot of space, so you might not actually have that much left to fill with accessories. But we hate putting limits on things here at Games Room Company, and there are definitely some pool accessories you can get your hands on that don’t take up half the room.

A simple, dainty holder that can still keep up to 8 cues in one place sounds too good to be true, but that’s absolutely the case with these Magic 8 Ball themed racks - they come in great, bold colours too. And if you’re looking for a pool accessory that is both cool AND necessary, why not upgrade your balls (ooh-er) with a classic set of American Aramith pool balls - in stars and stripes of course.

Middle of the range…

Bespoke Cue Rack | Games Room Company


If you have a bit more space to work with there are some awesome options for the next size up. A bigger cue rack will let you display your cues proudly - we especially love this bespoke one, or a wall mounted rack. And one pool accessory that will be really useful is a small stool to lean on while taking a shot - we have them in smaller sizes if space might be an issue

The big guns…

Table Tennis Top | Games Room Company


If you have endless amounts of space to play with then it comes to accessorising your pool table, these are the ones for you! A full size pool bench for either side of the table means anyone, in any position will have full support for their turn. A luxury metal or leather light fitting will ensure that your games are illuminated properly AND make the whole room look stylish. And to make sure your pool table is protected when you’re not playing, you could invest in a table cover - for extra cool points, you could get one that doubles up as a tennis table. Yes, these really do exist.

Whatever route you decide to go down, Games Room Company is THE place to stock up on pool accessories. Don’t let your pool table be lonely - buy it some friends (and yourself some exciting new toys!)


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